Monday, April 9, 2007

Today in class we watched the movie Grizzlyman and discussed Timothy Treadwell's passion for bears. When watching the movie, I felt Timothy's love towards the bears and how he truly connected with them. Timothy discovered himself among the bears where he felt most comfortable. I believe that Timothy felt a deep spiritual connection to the bears and developed a sort of religion with them. Timothy lived with the bears 1/4 of the year and during that time tried to become a bear. He felt like he protected the bears and also became part of their family.
Timothy's religion was very similar to those who are deeply Christian but only have time to go to church for Christmas and Easter. Timothy was only allowed to live with the bears in the summer but he was dedicated and deeply connected with them.
When the class discussed Timothy and his passion, I felt most people disagreed with his choices. In the movie, many people stated that Timothy crossed the line between animal and human worlds. They felt that Timothy had actually harmed the bears rather than helped them and that Timothy was crazy for living with them. I was distraught at the fact that this man was simply doing what he loved and enjoying life. A lot of people have interesting passions, for example cliff diving, but no one chastises them for their interests. Why is it that people get so upset when Timothy Treadwell lived with the animals that he felt most comfortable? Isn't everybody's aspiration to be the happiest they can be? I felt it was very upsetting to see one man's life choice criticized and disagreed with. Timothy Treadwell lived for bears and educated people on these highly misunderstood creatures. I believe Timothy should be respected for standing up for what he believed in and making the ultimate sacrifice for his passion. Timothy Treadwell formed a religion with bears that we will never understand but I do not think he should be judged for this.

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