Thursday, April 19, 2007

God is our Father...

"God is the father, the son, and the holy spirit"- This is the metaphor that I will extend into a specific allegory detailing how family is like religion. In class, we discussed the parent-child relationship that individuals have with God demonstrating the authority figure and also the subservient. God protects us, listens to us but also punishes us for our behavior while forever loving us. With this allegory, God is our parent while his "children" are everyone who lives on earth. I will take this allegory further to say that Jesus is our big brother who stands by our side, gives us an example to live by and keeps harm away. With this is mind, I believe that family is a perfect metaphor for religion. Family and religion have many similarities leading the way for a perfect allegory. The family portrait would look something like this- God would be in the middle, holding his eldest son's hand, Jesus, with every individual standing around them. This is the center and base of my allegory.

First, God will always be there for us because he will always love us and Jesus will be our realistic role model to look up to. This provides comfort and security to those who know they will always have someone by their side and forever be loved. In families, the parents are always there for us but punish and reward us also. Also, the big brother(or sibling) is always looking out for the younger children. Both religion and family offers us guidance, leading us down the path of life letting us make our own decision but also being ready to catch us when we fall. A second similarity between family and religion is communication. Religion offers communication through the bible and church organizations. Families communicate daily through the household and other activities. Compromise is involved in religion and family due to the wants and needs of both parties. God and parents want their children to live life to the fullest, but within the bounds of reason and safety. The need for compromise is always present; it is a give and take relationship.

The final and most important similarity between religion and family is love. God and Jesus will always be there for you. They will never leave you, no matter what and will always be willing to hold you while you cry. Families have such an internal bound that this love cannot be broken. I find this similarity the strongest and the most convincing. Love is a universal trait between both families and religions. God will always love his children, just as parents will always love their children.

I believe that the religion/family metaphor is a perfect demonstration to understanding the deep connection and feeling to religion. Religion gives people comfort, safety,guidance, understanding, communication and love. This is the feeling that one receives from their family creating a strong bond between parents and children and siblings.

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